Welcome to FlexibilityResearch.com, a digital platform committed to sharing the latest advances in the science of flexibility directly from the frontiers of clinical research.

My name is Dan Van Zandt. I'm a researcher, educator, and coach with multiple academic degrees in fields like biomechanics, cell biology, and exercise science. I have spent over 25 years teaching the science of flexibility to thousands of people all over the world. You can read a more detailed bio here.

In my teachings, I approach flexibility through the lens of my Unified Model of Flexibility. I believe that flexibility encompasses physical (biomechanical, biochemical, neurophysiological) and psychological (cognitive, emotional, behavioural) dimensions that serve as the bedrock for physical suppleness. My approach is steeped in critical thinking and a philosophical appreciation for the scientific method.

I offer a complimentary newsletter, delivering weekly insights, research updates, and exclusive benefits directly to your inbox at no cost. Sign up through this link to receive it.

For those seeking a deeper engagement, the Flexibility Research Forum is a private online space offering exclusive research reviews, articles, webinars, training advice, and more. You can also connect with a global community of like-minded peers. Discover more by clicking here.

Are you looking to advance your knowledge and abilities to the highest possible level? Consider becoming a Master Flexibility Trainer through a comprehensive 16-week online programme unparalleled in its depth and scope. Details on enrollment are available here.

I'm delighted to welcome you to this platform, and I'm available to answer any questions through the Contact Form.

Yours in flexibility,
